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About the Author

Chris Burmester received his B.S. degree (1988) in materials science engineering and computer science and his Ph.D. degree (1995) in materials science engineering with minors in energy resources and solid state physics from the University of California at Berkeley. His academic research focuses on the computer simulation, optimization, and design of engineering materials production and fabrication processes. Being far too educated in his own field to find any gainful employment, Chris has contracted with Apple Computer over the past four years and has been employed in the field of computer software development since 1981. Chris also enjoys studying garbage. Recent work in this area included a joint project with PG&E and the Electric Power Research Institute to develop municipal materials-processing technology for use in waste recycling and materials reprocessing. Chris is the author of over 40 scientific articles in the fields of materials processing, scientific and massively parallel computing, solid state physics, and computer software design that are so academic that likely no one has ever read them.

Figure 7
Erik Browne (left) and Chris Burmester (right) using
the Tarpon Newton to control the video turret.

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Overview | Digital Photography Course | Science with eMates | Spotlight
Essay | Book Review | Community Networking | INET '97 | News

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