Larry Cassis - 06:46pm Apr 9, 1997
The moth is from the summer front yard bug zapper... 15 min in the freezer to stop motion... scanned on a flatbed to use in a multimedia project I'm working on (interactive electronic fieldguide).. then did several spheres with various filters (KPT is great!).. added some text & voila.. a combination of the real (foreground) with the surreal (background).. wrapped up in a metaphor (of sorts).. Hope this brings a smile to someone... smiling increases ones "face" value. :) larryC
Trish Lynch - 03:37pm Apr 20, 1997 (#1 of 1)
WOW! You've really incorporated this with your curriculum. KPT filters can be wonderful. When do you get all the time to explore?! I would love to see the interactive field guide when you finish. This is a great way of adding title slides to your work. Great job.