Chelo and Connie 1931 (Bobbie Guerra)


Bobbie Guerra - 07:28pm Mar 23, 1997

Art Teacher - Texas School for the Deaf


The little girl is my mother-in-law when she was 2.This photo was a real challenge. The colors are so faded and green. I first tried to increase the contrast to highlight the features of the face and dress. I used the color replacement feature to try to improve the color of the skin and dress. I found the background very hard to work with so I erased it and replaced it with a simple gradation. I don't know if in a restoration that is ethical but it sure looks a lot better. I used the rubber stamp, dodge and burn played with % of tools and had fun. Hope you enjoy it. I"m anxious for my mother-in-law to see it.



Sandy McAuley - 03:49am Mar 25, 1997 (#1 of 3)

Bobbi, I think this is incredible! I can't believe how well you've brought out the colours and I think the gradation works fine. There is a rather stylized quality to the final product that is very evocative. Sandy


Trish Lynch - 05:27pm Mar 25, 1997 (#2 of 3)

What a difference! You've really made great changes. I'd be interested in hearing about the reaction of your mother-in-law when she does see it. Really restored well.


Claudia Abramson - 01:48pm Mar 26, 1997 (#3 of 3)

The revision has a wonderful painterly feeling. The new background seems to push the figures forward adding another level of interest. You've created an image that can be valued as an artwork in its own right.