Flowers of wood... (Joel Handler)


Joel Handler - 06:00pm Mar 19, 1997

I had fun experimenting with both the RGB and Brightness and contrast. I didn't try using too many other tools. I did however use layering alot.


Trish Lynch - 06:15pm Mar 21, 1997 (#1 of 3)

Joel,sometimes we get so caught up with all tools we forget we might do very little and still have created what we want.

Nice job!


Bobbie Guerra - 09:00pm Mar 25, 1997 (#2 of 3)

Art Teacher - Texas School for the Deaf

Joel This made me smile as it was loading. Nice job with simplicity of color application.


Claudia Abramson - 01:53pm Mar 27, 1997 (#3 of 3)

Joel, I can't believe that as the picture was loading and my comments coming to mind, they were materializing in the same exact words as Bobbie's. The images are whimsical and charming and I think this comes largely from your color decisions.