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About the Authors

Bonnie Nardi
Bonnie A. Nardi is a research scientist in the Advanced Technology Group at Apple Computer. An anthropologist, she has studied Samoan villagers, spreadsheet users, brain surgeons, reference librarians, and American teenagers, among others. She is interested in intelligent agents, end user programming, sociotechnical design, and theoretical approaches to the study of human-computer interaction, especially activity theory. She is the author of A Small Matter of Programming: Perspectives on End User Computing, (MIT Press, 1993), and the editor of Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction, ( MIT Press, 1996). She has published many scholarly articles. Her Christian Science Monitor Op-Ed piece (written with Vicki O'Day and Ed Valauskas) "Put a Good Librarian, Not Software, in Driver's Seat" won the Special Libraries Association 1996 Media Award.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly is an ethnomultimediographer with the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Project, interested in the impact of new media on literacy and learning. He can be contacted at and browsed at He has no spare time in which to pursue hobbies, but if he did, his hobbies would include alligator wrestling, stock car racing, and organic farming.

Reinhold Steinbeck
As manager of the ACOTNet Research and Development Project, Reinhold Steinbeck is responsible for the development and implementation of ACOTNet, ACOT International's Web-based education environment for students, teachers, and researchers. Before joining ACOT, he spent five years as curriculum developer and project manager with the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) at Stanford University. His undergraduate work in international business and technology includes a Diploma from the Business and Technology University of Reutlingen, Germany, and a bachelor of arts degree from Middlesex University, London. He also holds an advanced degree in International and Multicultural Education from the University of San Francisco. He can be reached at

Samples of course work | Digital Photography Extravaganza

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Overview | Digital Photography Course | Science with eMates | Spotlight
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